Wednesday, November 12, 2008

A Name......Now I Gotta Find A Cure

I have found a name for my funk that I have been in lately.....seasonal affective disorder.  Of course..the seasons have changed and not only did it bring cooler weather, but also brought my change of mood.  Thank goodness I was born in the south.  As most of you know, I have goose bumps in 70 degree weather.  So today my goal is to get out of this funk and embrace the cold.  Now I am not going to do anything crazy like run outside in my underwear (sorry Andy and Ryan, I know that would have given you quite a laugh), but I am going to enjoy the fall and winter seasons and all that they bring.  Thanksgiving, Christmas, maybe snow (doubt it), family gatherings, Brian's birthday, Octoberfest, annual friendship dinner, etc.

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