Wednesday, November 19, 2008

God, where are you?

I know a lot of people who are asking this right now...unemployed, sick, mourning, etc.  I know when we lost Maddux, I probably thought it.  But the great thing is that he was right there, holding my hand, loving me, comforting me, and leading me closer to him.  I never thought loss in my life would be the eye opener to the glory that God brings.  Every day when I read blogs from people who are dealing with infertility, loss of a child, economical stress, there is always one thing in common.  They are still glorifying God and praying to him to show us all the way.  Sometimes it is so hard to understand.  But what is the other alternative......not believe???
How can I look at these two faces and not believe in Him!

1 comment:

Heather said...

They are such dollbabies! I know you are probably missing them while you are in ATL.