Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Marriage Survey

I'VE BEEN TAGGED WITH A MARRIAGE SURVEY!  HERE GOES....(I did it in the color "RED" for love)

How long have you been married?

10 years and 19 days

Is this your first marriage? 


Is it how you imagined it would be?

Yes and no. The first six months was really tough.  We fought about stupid things (my control issues with money).  Now our life is so chaotic that we do not even have time to fight. 

What would you change?

More time together. 

Are you married to your soulmate?


What do you argue about the most?


What do you see eye to eye on the most?

God and our children. 

Where did you meet your spouse?

Out to dinner with friends. 

Where was your first date?

Depends on what you call a first date....When we were first dating we always went out with friends. 

Where were you when you became engaged?

Brian's apartment. 

Did you live together before marriage?


What was your wedding song?

Random music.  Brian always tells everyone we walked in to Tina Turner's "What's Love Got to Do With It". 

Who was in your wedding party?

My girls....Joy (reason I met Brian), Judy (my sister-in-law), Crystal (my BF), Paige (my old roommate from college), Angie (friend from high school), Ami and Amber (Brian's nieces).  The boys...Hud, Brian F, Chris (all friends of Brian),Frank (Brian's brother), and Brian's dad. 

Do you get along with the in-laws?


Whats your view on children?

When I married Brian, he said he wanted an entire football team of children.  After 2, he is done.  We love them and hope to raise them to love God.  All our friends are having children now so we love holding their babies and loving on them. 

Does your spouse feel the same way?


Are you a 2 peas in a pod or opposites attract couple?

That is a hard one.  When we first got married, everyone said we were "like peas and carrots".  Is that opposites or the same?? 

Do you go out without your spouse?

Yes. But with other married or "taken" girls usually. 

How long are you away from your spouse before you start to miss him/her?

1 minute.  But is is okay...I will survive. 

Have you ever compared your spouse to someone you have dated in the past?


Do you trust your Spouse?


Does your Spouse trust you?


How well does your spouse know your favorites?

That is a good question.  I usually buy my own gifts so I guess not too well. 

Do you get along with your spouses friends?


Does your spouse get along with your friends?


Did you go on a honeymoon?

Yes.  We went to Cancun and we were suppose to go back for our 10-year anniversary but with the economy the way it is...we will have to wait until later. 

Do you watch the same TV shows?

Some.  Private Practice, The Biggest Loser, and Dirty Sexy Money. 

Can you agree on Pizza toppings?

Yes, Meat Lovers. 

Who takes out the trash?

Him more than me. 

Who does laundry??


Who cooks dinner?


Do you have any traditions?

I cannot think of any right now. 

Do you know your spouses passwords/pins?


Does your spouse know your social security number?


Do you ever nag your spouse?

Me? Nag? What a silly question! 

Do you admit wrong doing?


Does your spouse?


Okay Heather and Morgan, your turn!!! 


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